How to connect to rosbridge_suite/roslibjs via WAN IP
Hi there,
i was trying out the following tutorial:
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
was started with now errors
I have nginx as webserver and everything works fine from within the local network, after changing
var ros = new ROSLIB.Ros({
url : 'ws://localhost:9090'});
to my local IP in the corresponding html-file from the tutorial:
var ros = new ROSLIB.Ros({
url : 'ws://'});
That way everything is fine and working from within the local network. The html from the example is working, its listening to topic /listener and publishing to /cmd_vel.
So I changed the IP in the html-file to my WAN IP (the one provided from my Provider) and tried to reach the html-file over WAN-Adress from outside the local network instead. But that doesn't work with the html-file from the tutorial. (The Webserver is still reachable, so WAN IP must be correct).
I allready tryed to forward port 9090 within my router settings, like i did for port 80 from the webserver. With no success.
I also know, that my router doesn't support NAT-Loopback and so i'm connecting to the webserver from another network.
Does anybody know how i can connect to ROS with that tutorial from external network via internet or what has to be changed that it's working?
Thanks Fabian
Asked by fabian77 on 2015-09-24 13:14:47 UTC
It's possible your ISP blocks port 9090. You can use a tool like this to check.
Asked by Dan Lazewatsky on 2015-09-24 13:49:02 UTC
At times it's the configurations on the router, ensure that it routes all traffic to the exposed Host and always check
Asked by latest-release on 2020-01-06 08:57:57 UTC
seems as it is working now with no changes. don't even sure if i have to forward port 9090 in the router settings really. even works with my static adress i got over dyndns ( Thanks for your audience so long!
Asked by fabian77 on 2015-09-24 17:11:15 UTC