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Kinect model 1414 and ros indigo

I am using ros indigo in ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I am using a Kinect model 1414, for using it with my robot. I am using kinect for the first time. Can some please tell, how to get it installed and running. I thought i need to use OpenNi but some Q&A said OpenNi has errors and has expired. Few blogs said use freenect. All these libraries are having there own versions. Can some one tell me what exactly I will need to get my Kinect installed with my ros. Thanks in advance.

Asked by blackmamba591 on 2015-09-21 19:17:59 UTC


i had same problem as you and can't solved it until now... my rviz doesn't show anything..

Asked by adelleodel on 2015-11-03 06:07:27 UTC


I figured out and installed and ran this. Here is the reference link, please follow the directions given there.

Asked by blackmamba591 on 2015-11-11 15:15:59 UTC
