Gazebo 4 Contact sensor issue using URDF
I am having an issue after I upgraded to Gazebo4 from Gazebo2. My reason to upgrade was to have the ability to use multiple contact sensor which apparently is only available 4.1 and higher. I am using URDF instead of SDF since I do plan on using the description for Rviz as well.
My environment is: Ubuntu 14.04; Gazebo 4, Ros Indigo. I am using the "" plugin.
Here is my code:
<gazebo reference="left_bump_link">
<sensor type="contact" name="lside_bump_link">
<plugin name="lside_bumper_plugin" filename="">
The links and the joints work just fine and like I said, this code worked perfectly fine in Gazebo 2.
When I echo the rostopic "lside_bumper", it shows that it never makes a contact. When I did this on Gazebo2 it gave me all the values when the contact was made.
Has anybody experienced anything similar or anything obvious I am missing?
Asked by arjunmenon03 on 2015-09-10 16:36:27 UTC
I had a similar issue, which I believe is due to gazebo itself. I created a urdf that had a bunch of contact sensors, which were not registering contact on the gz topics even when they were visibly in contact with the ground. This was using Ros Jade and Gazebo 5
After reading this post I switched to Ros Indigo and Gazebo 2, where contacts did register.
Not sure if there were changes in functionality or what, but there is obviously a difference between the two versions.
Asked by Alexander Graber-Tilton on 2015-11-11 00:42:39 UTC
You will probably have better luck here:
Asked by David Lu on 2015-09-11 07:49:05 UTC
David Lu : I did post it on Gazebosim and I'm waiting for a response there. Once I do, I will copy/link the solution here.
Asked by arjunmenon03 on 2015-09-15 12:45:18 UTC