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Have costmap in separate node?

Hello all,

I wanted to know if its possible to have the costmap running in separate node than from the global and local planners like in move_base. However, in this case is there any way to access the pointer of the global costmap(created in costmap node) by the planner which would be running in different node?

Thank you in advance.

Asked by NiranjanDeshpande on 2015-09-06 23:16:53 UTC



You cannot share pointers between nodes. This means that you cannot directly access a costmap that is running in a different node.

Depending on exactly what you're trying to do, some of the following might apply:

  • Within move_base, the costmap updates, the local planner and the global planner all run in different threads
  • You can pass Costmap2D messages between nodes, but the underlying layering is lost, and transferring big maps can be slow
  • You can create a Costmap2D object within your node
  • There is a node that allows you to run the costmap by itself, without the planners

Asked by ahendrix on 2015-09-07 01:54:27 UTC
