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move_base fatal crash problem

hello.. I am working on gazebo with pionner 3at on gazebo. When ı started movebase node and give a navgoal , robot always crash to corner. I am using pioneer 3at default parameter. what can ı do for that ?

my problem is here :

and pioneer 3at package :

please helppp me ???

Asked by osmancns on 2015-08-31 09:43:20 UTC


I think lidar can not see over minimum sensor range distance to wall. So, move_base move to wall. ????

Asked by osmancns on 2015-09-01 06:10:07 UTC

When editing a question without adding information, please use the minor edit checkbox. Do not use minor edits to send repeated alerts.

Asked by David Lu on 2015-09-02 07:22:38 UTC
