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Invert a pose using tf

I have a pose of object B defined in frame of object A. Is there a function in tf that gives me the pose of object A in the frame of object B?. There is a reference to the bullet library that has a function called inverse but I don't really see how I can call this from python through tf.

Asked by Mehdi. on 2015-08-11 07:40:24 UTC



Well, with a transformListener you can use the respective transfromDATATYPE() methods. Is this what you are looking for?

Asked by mgruhler on 2015-08-17 04:05:36 UTC


I think it is not possible to use this function in my case. There is no known transform between both coordinate systems in tf, and I only know the relative pose of the observer marker to the camera for example by observing that marker.Then I would like to get the pose of camera in that markers fram

Asked by Mehdi. on 2015-08-17 04:25:42 UTC

I did it by just creating a Rotation matrix out of the quaternions and then Inverting it and inverting the translation vector. But I was hoping for a ready to use function.

Asked by Mehdi. on 2015-08-17 04:26:34 UTC