IPC bridge for ROS Indigo and Matlab 2014b- Install Error
I was trying to install ipc bridge on my ubuntu, alongside with ROS Indigo and Matlab R014b. I followed this instruction: https://alliance.seas.upenn.edu/~meam620/wiki/index.php?n=Roslab.IpcBridge
After I downloaded and unzip the package, I was trying to compile it,
rosmake ipc_bridge_ros
It's compiled successful. Then, I try next step- compile message folders
roscd ipc_roslib && make
roscd ipc_std_msgs && make
roscd ipc_geometry_msgs && make
roscd ipc_nav_msgs && make
roscd ipc_sensor_msgs && make
But I can't find any message folder in the next step. It seems its not installed yet.
Alternatively, I also tried this tutorial: https://github.com/nmichael/ipc_bridge When I entered,
catkin_make_isolated --install --pkg ipc_bridge
it shows,
<== Failed to process package 'ipc_bridge':
Command '['cmake', '/home/xiaohao/ws/dry/src/ipc_bridge', 'DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/xiaohao/ws/dry/install_isolated', '-G', 'Unix Makefiles']' returned non-zero exit status 1
I'm not sure what's wrong. I just want to connect ROS Indigo and Matlab 2014b, no matter which way to use.
Asked by Glen on 2015-08-10 12:07:59 UTC
@Glen Have you found the solution?
Asked by MahsaP on 2016-01-15 12:54:28 UTC