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How do I use ROS in Visual Studio 2013

  1. Where should I start ROS?
  2. Where do I download the required library ROS?
  3. are you have Reference Manual ROS ?!

Guide me.

Asked by emc+ on 2015-07-03 02:02:34 UTC



There is some experimental Windows support documented here: win_ros. Note this Wiki-page hasn't been updated in 2 years, so no idea if that still works.

Generally, Windows support is highly experimental and if at all possible you'll probably be far better off to instead switch to Ubuntu/Linux than to try to make Windows support work.

See also other Q/As such as this.

Asked by Stefan Kohlbrecher on 2015-07-03 03:25:40 UTC


Yes thanks - I need a simple supplier to launch this part I - But I think there is a lot of information in this area. - You'd be misleading yourself if you were in my place. - I really need your help, what to do?

Asked by emc+ on 2015-07-03 04:35:06 UTC

There is just no simple solution. ROS is developped for Linux. It's like asking for a simple one-click installer for Excel on Ubuntu.

Asked by NEngelhard on 2015-07-03 04:49:56 UTC