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Non-existent pacakge

sabyasachi@sabyasachi-Inspiron-N5110:~/catkinws$ rospack depends1 beginnertutorials [rospack] Error: package 'beginnertutorials' depends on non-existent package 'stdmshs' and rosdep claims that it is not a system dependency. Check the ROSPACKAGEPATH or try calling 'rosdep update'

how to fix this problem, i am comepletely new to ubuntu(14.04) and ros ?

Asked by Sabyasachi on 2015-07-01 09:14:05 UTC



You have a typo. You misspelled std_mshs.

Asked by dornhege on 2015-07-01 09:25:58 UTC


This I have copied nd pasted from terminal.

Asked by Sabyasachi on 2015-07-01 10:48:03 UTC