Realtime dynamixel control
I am trying to control my dynamixel motor in real time. I have been using rostopic to do this but it still seems jumpy because of the 3 second latching. Are there any better ways to control the servos in real-time, or is there a way to disable the 3 second latching with rostopic?
Asked by rmoncrief on 2015-06-30 09:50:49 UTC
If by realtime you mean interactive frequencies (in the order of tens of Hz), you can write a simple publisher node in C++ or Python that streams commands to the topic. You can also check out rqt_publisher.
Asked by Adolfo Rodriguez T on 2015-06-30 11:10:35 UTC
Yes, like I suggested in Change publish and latch time :).
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2015-06-30 14:44:50 UTC