actionlib feedback: Difference between FooFeedback and FooActionFeedback
I was implementing an actionlib client with callbacks (API here) and ran into an interesting/annoying problem.
A callback incorrectly-defined with a FooActionFeedbackConstPtr argument gave many errors (unfortunately boost::bind doesn't have the best error messages). For example (using the Fibonacci tutorial example):
void feedbackBad(const learning_actionlib::FibonacciActionFeedbackConstPtr &feedback)
void feedbackGood(const learning_actionlib::FibonacciFeedbackConstPtr& feedback)
and using boost::bind to set the callback function:
::SimpleFeedbackCallback feedbackFun = boost::bind(&feedbackXXX, _1);
What's the difference between a FooActionFeedback and a FooFeedback?
Asked by Felix Duvallet on 2015-06-25 08:38:30 UTC