Project architecture and RViz
Hi everyone,
I would like to know if the following architecture sounds correct / relevant to you, concerning its interaction with RViz:
We're designing a robot, made of a robotic arm (UR5) mounted on a mobile base. In RViz, we'll display a .step file (from CAD software, STEP parser homemade) holding some B-Spline surfaces and curves, and we want the arm's tip to move along such surfaces / curves. To do so, with the MoveIt! package we'll do the trajectory planification, sample this trajectory, do the IK with MoveIt! again, send it to a ROS controller, then loop it to RViz for visualization feedback.
Does anything sound wrong to you? At least is it clear enough?
Thanks for your reply.
Asked by anonymous21729 on 2015-06-18 10:21:53 UTC