RViz display properties
Hi all,
I have a question related to RViz display parameters: what are these Display properties are in RViz? Are they views of ROS parameters? Are they views of ROS messages? Are they RViz-specific display parameters? Are they a bit of all that?
For example if I want to display or modify a parameter in RViz, should I do it in a Display via the properties or should I do this in a panel of my own?
And what about if I want to display a message in RViz? Should I do it in a Display via the properties or should I do this in a panel of my own?
When looking at RViz it seems that the Display properties are mostly used for visualization options. But some Displays display messages (data) as well, like the TF display which shows the content of the TFs. So there seems to be more than just visualization options in the Displays... What is the best practice here?
Asked by arennuit on 2015-06-18 08:53:35 UTC