replanning when the costmap is updated
Hi all,
I am using move_base with default navfn global planner (A*) and TrajectoryPlannerROS as the local planner and I am having some problems with avoiding obstacles which are not in the map. The costmap is updated without any problem but it takes lot of time after that to come up with a new plan and sometimes because of that, the robot gets very close to the obstacle and gets stuck. I feel local_planner
is informing the global_planner
very late to come up with a new global plan. How can I make sure that the localplanner informs the global planner well in advance so that a new plan can be generated well in advance (assuming the costmap is updated)? I have tried changing different parameters: `simtime, controllerpatience` which helped but still I face the problem sometimes. Or maybe, how can the globalplanner come up with a new global plan as soon as the costmap is updated with obstacles and the original global_plan will not work?
Let me know if you need more information from me. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Naman Kumar
Asked by Naman on 2015-06-12 08:59:41 UTC
You should take a look at the navigation tutorials.
Asked by Progtologist on 2015-06-12 09:14:29 UTC
I would take Progtologist's advice because your question reveals that you have not really done your homework on the subject.
Asked by kwiesz91 on 2015-09-14 18:23:42 UTC