cob_people_detecion on Hydro can't launch node kinect_image_flip

asked 2015-06-08 08:41:20 -0500

jbv gravatar image


I downloaded and built successfully cob_people_detection for Hydro on ubuntu 12.04.5. However when I launch it, it says this error :

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [cob_image_flip/kinect_image_flip]: can't locate node [kinect_image_flip] in package [cob_image_flip]

I checked and it looks like, kinect_image_flip is now called image_flip so I changed it in "image_flip.launch" and it removed the error but it still doesn't work. I can't even see myself in the window that is opened.

I downloaded the sources from here :


Thank you in advance

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