Static route validation using costmap
I am trying to implement a validator for routes on a given map. The idea is that a user can define a route using a JSON scheme which is then checked against a costmap generated from a static map of the building in order to determine whether the route can be traversed. Ideally, the whole thing should run on a server without any robots involved.
I am new to ROS and am having a few difficulties figuring out the dependencies between the map_server and the costmap. Here's what I tried so far:
I have the map of the building and the corresponding YAML file and have started the map server using
rosrun map_server map_server map.yaml
.I tried running
rosrun costmap_2d costmap_2d_cloud
, which produces no output on the console.In rviz, I can add the
topics published by costmap, but they are not displayed.rqtgraph shows me that costmap is not subscribed to the
topic published by mapserver:I have tried starting the costmap with YAML config files using parameters
static_map: true
andpublish_voxel_map: true
, but to no avail.
What am I doing wrong? Currently I am just trying to get a static costmap to display from a map image and failing.
Asked by jpfender on 2015-06-08 05:57:16 UTC
Costmap_cloud is merely a visualization tool. What interface are you looking for?
Edit: If you run the first command (the map server), the occupancy grid topic "/map" is broadcast and you can view that in rviz with the Map plugin.
Asked by David Lu on 2015-06-09 19:49:23 UTC
I'm not necessarily looking for a specific interface, merely a way to easily extract a static costmap from an existing map in order to then validate a given path on that map. I'm imagining a simple tool that accepts a map and a list of coordinates and determines whether that path is possible.
Asked by jpfender on 2015-06-10 04:26:14 UTC