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Target within footprint range for local planner

Hello! I am using the DWA local planner of ROS-Indigo to do some local navigation tests, and have found, that the robot behaves strangely, if I set a target within its footprint range. For example, if the half length of the mobile platform is 0.55m, and I give it the target (0.4, 0.0) in the local coordinate frame of the robot (of course this target will be later transformed to the global frame, which is robot_odom in my case), instead of just moving forward, the robot starts to rotate weirdly in either clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. The robot behaves as expected, if the target is beyond the footprint range, e.g. (1.0, 0.0) in the local coordinate frame of the robot. So is there something I misunderstand or ignore, which results into the problem? The original plan is to use the local planner of ROS to control the robot to safely track some target (while keeping some distance in between). Thanks in advance for your reply!

Asked by mikegao88 on 2015-05-28 09:20:34 UTC



I'm guessing that this is less because those targets are within the robot's footprint and more that they fall within the xy_goal_tolerance.

Asked by David Lu on 2015-06-09 20:02:43 UTC
