Tutorial double entries and confusing disorder
The tutorial page on Smach has some problems. There are double entries and the order of things seems wrong to me (for example, the "very first steps" should logically be the first tutorial, shoudln't it?).
Learning Step-by-Step
Learning by Example
Calling Actions from a State Machine (ROS)
This tutorial teaches you how to call action servers from within a SMACH state machine.
Create a Hierarchical State Machine
This tutorial teaches you how to nest different state machines, creating a hierarchical state machine.
Getting Started with smach
This tutorial guides you through the very first steps of using smach.
Passing User Data between States
This tutorial teaches you how to pass data from one state(machine) to the next state(machine).
Getting Started with smach
This tutorial guides you through the very first steps of using smach.
Passing User Data between States
This tutorial teaches you how to pass data from one state(machine) to the next state(machine).
Create a Hierarchical State Machine
This tutorial teaches you how to nest different state machines, creating a hierarchical state machine.
Calling Actions from a State Machine (ROS)
This tutorial teaches you how to call action servers from within a SMACH state machine.
Viewing State Machines (ROS)
This tutorial shows you how to use the smach viewer, a simple tool to monitor state machines and get introspection into the data flow between states.
Viewing State Machines (ROS)
This tutorial shows you how to use the smach viewer, a simple tool to monitor state machines and get introspection into the data flow between states.
Asked by korkor on 2015-05-01 05:04:12 UTC