Made URDF File whats next?
Hello People,
I am trying to control a robot with ROS. ROS is running on Ubuntu and I want to send the Data through UDP to my Motors, I got a predefined interface there and have to send m/s and rad/s through udp.
Now I created my URDF file but how can I input odometry data and stuff? I have no idea what to do next`?
thanks in adavance
Asked by felixwatzlawik on 2015-04-23 01:28:07 UTC
Assuming a two wheel robot (differential drive robot), i would:
Make a node which sends data to your motor control and receives encoder data.
use geometry_msgs::Twist topic for speed input. linear.x for forward, angular.z for turning (others unused)
Calculate speeds and position starting from start position-> odometry and publish to /odom (nav_msgs::Odometry)
publish TF from base_link to odometry.
Hint: checkout gazebo plugins for diff drive for odometry calculations...
Asked by cyborg-x1 on 2015-04-23 07:15:51 UTC