subscribe and advertise image the same time cause errors
The following code subscribe 2 images and generate and show depth map. It has some very weird problem. Sometimes it outputs depth map, sometimes not. But if I comment ogpub=it.advertise("occupancygrid", 10); in function ODGridMap(), everything works well. I always get depth map output. I don't know if it's because I can't subscribe and advertise image the same time.
class ODGridMap {
bool isLeftImgReady;
bool isRightImgReady;
Mat leftImg, rightImg, ocGrid;
ObstacleDetection::parameters param;
ObstacleDetection *od;
ros::NodeHandle nh;
image_transport::ImageTransport it;
image_transport::ImageTransport it_pub;
image_transport::Subscriber sub_left;
image_transport::Subscriber sub_right;
image_transport::Publisher og_pub;
void imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg,
const std::string &topic) {
try {
if (topic == "left") {
isLeftImgReady = true;
cv_bridge::toCvShare(msg, "mono8")->image.copyTo(leftImg);
} else if (topic == "right") {
isRightImgReady = true;
cv_bridge::toCvShare(msg, "mono8")->image.copyTo(rightImg);
if (isLeftImgReady && isRightImgReady) {
isLeftImgReady = false;
isRightImgReady = false;
od->get_local_occupancy_grid(leftImg, rightImg, ocGrid, param);
sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msg_img = cv_bridge::CvImage(
std_msgs::Header(), "mono8", ocGrid).toImageMsg();
imshow("D1", od->D1);
} catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e) {
ROS_ERROR("Could not convert from '%s' to 'bgr8'.",
ODGridMap() :
it(nh), it_pub(nh) {
isLeftImgReady = false;
isRightImgReady = false;
sub_left = it.subscribe("camera/left_img", 10,
boost::bind(&ODGridMap::imageCallback, this, _1, "left"));
sub_right = it.subscribe("camera/right_img", 10,
boost::bind(&ODGridMap::imageCallback, this, _1, "right"));
og_pub=it.advertise("occupancy_grid", 10);
param.f = 545.0 / 2.0; = 359.997 / 2; = 210.40252 / 2;
param.base = 0.275827;
param.cam_height = 0.55;
param.cam_pitch = -0.24;
param.cell_width = 0.1;
param.cell_depth = 0.1;
param.grid_width = 60;
param.grid_depth = 100;
param.thres = 100;
od = new ObstacleDetection(param);
~ODGridMap() {
delete od;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
ros::init(argc, argv, "obstacle_detection");
ODGridMap odgm;
return 0;
Asked by rosmatt on 2015-04-21 15:33:51 UTC