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Where are the indigo repositories for gazebo_ros_pkgs?

I probably an stupid, but if I do for example

rosinstallgenerator desktopfull pr2moveittutorials  pr2gazebo   roscontrol  roscontrollers pr2simulator moveitplanners ompl moveitvisualtools --rosdistro indigo --deps --wet-o\
nly  > indigo-desktop-full-wet.rosinstall
Why do I see in the file:
- git:
    local-name: gazeborospkgs/gazebomsgs
    version: release/indigo/gazebomsgs/2.4.8-0
but NOT the sub-package gazeboros_control?

The consequence of which is that this package is not included. How do I get the proper install of gazeborospkgs using the rosinstall_generator, or otherwise?

Thanks in advance, SIetse

Asked by Sietse on 2015-04-11 07:55:16 UTC

