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why tf_monitor shows unknown_publisher

When I tfmonitor my frames, I saw all my frames were published by unknownpublisher. Could anyone please give me an idea how that usually happens, and how to solve it?

Also, I wonder whether it has anything to do with my strangely behaved AMCL, which seems to update the robot location only by /odom, and did not care about the laser scan (because laser scan does not align to the map). Thank you.

RESULTS: for all Frames

Frame: base_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.0187717 Max Delay: 0.0346738
Frame: left_back_wheel published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.0250101 Max Delay: 0.0499581
Frame: left_front_wheel published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.0250121 Max Delay: 0.0499596
Frame: odom published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.0589457 Max Delay: 0.109153
Frame: right_back_wheel published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.0250131 Max Delay: 0.0499602
Frame: right_front_wheel published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.0250138 Max Delay: 0.0499608
Frame: rplidar published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499657 Max Delay: 0

All Broadcasters:
Node: unknown_publisher 86.3553 Hz, Average Delay: -0.278273 Max Delay: 0.109153

Asked by PT on 2015-04-07 13:46:32 UTC


Hi, did you find an answer?

Asked by Andromeda on 2015-05-13 05:00:15 UTC

unfortunately no

Asked by PT on 2015-06-02 13:06:59 UTC

I'm getting a similar thing... how do I find out who the 'unknown_publisher' is?

Asked by mkhansen on 2015-12-08 16:51:58 UTC

do you have the node robot_publisher working in your project?

Asked by Andromeda on 2015-12-09 00:22:28 UTC

Best if you post your tf_frame pdf file.

Asked by Andromeda on 2015-12-09 00:25:19 UTC

I am running on turtlebot, using robot_state_publisher. Looking at the frames.pdf file generated it appears that the broadcaster for the Odom frame is the mobile_base_nodelet_manager. I will look into that more closely. What I don't understand is why it says unknown_publisher in the error message.

Asked by mkhansen on 2015-12-09 13:59:40 UTC

Please post your frames.pdf. Otherwise no one can understand what is happening there. A picture is 10000 or more words worth

Asked by Andromeda on 2015-12-09 15:14:49 UTC



I have uploaded the frames -screen capture (as PDF upload is not allowed).

I am getting the same issue as mentioned in the original question. The "unknown_publisher" is evident in the tf_monitor, but the view_frames seems to capture the frames nicely in the pdf output (which is attached as image)

rosrun tf tf_monitor:

RESULTS: for all Frames

Frame: base_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.00316206 Max Delay: 0.007
Frame: chassis_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499984 Max Delay: 0
Frame: fenders_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499984 Max Delay: 0
Frame: front_laser published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499984 Max Delay: 0
Frame: front_laser_mount published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499984 Max Delay: 0
Frame: front_left_wheel_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.000171669 Max Delay: 0.004
Frame: front_mount published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499984 Max Delay: 0
Frame: front_right_wheel_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.000172869 Max Delay: 0.004
Frame: imu_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499984 Max Delay: 0
Frame: mid_mount published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499984 Max Delay: 0
Frame: navsat_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499983 Max Delay: 0
Frame: rear_left_wheel_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.000172869 Max Delay: 0.004
Frame: rear_mount published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: -0.499983 Max Delay: 0
Frame: rear_right_wheel_link published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.00017407 Max Delay: 0.004

All Broadcasters:
Node: unknown_publisher 150.128 Hz, Average Delay: -0.165474 Max Delay: 0.006

Asked by tosandip on 2017-05-25 11:00:17 UTC


Please don't use answer section to post your question. You can open a new question, link to this thread and explain how the 2 threads are similar.

Asked by 130s on 2018-09-19 14:05:02 UTC