Unable to create reliable map for corridor.world gazebo
I'm trying to build a map in Gazebo with a simulated turtlebot following this tutorial.
I launched the following nodes:
- roslaunch turtlebotgazebo turtlebotworld.launch worldfile:=$(rospack find turtlebotgazebo)/worlds/corridor.world
- roslaunch turtlebotteleop keyboardteleop.launch
- roslaunch turtlebotrvizlaunchers viewnavigation.launch
- roslaunch turtlebotgazebo gmapping_demo.launch
The map I got is highly unstable and do not look like the simulated world. It seems that gmapping is adjusting the map frame according to the readings. I think that because the laser scans are very similar when the turtlebot is moving along a corridor so gmapping thinks that the turtlebot is not moving.
I would like to do some coverage experiments and thus I need a reliable occupancy grid based on the robot position and the laser scans.
Is there anyway to tune this package to build an accurate map for this human like environment ?
Maybe to say to gmapping to give more importance to the odom values sent ?
Any help would be really appreciated, Thanks !
Asked by marguedas on 2015-04-01 11:48:30 UTC