move_base and object manipulation
We have a square-shaped differential drive robot with two grippers installed at its corners. We want to use it for gripping cylinder-like objects in a relatively narrow space environment. The problem is that movebase is able only to construct and follow path from the center of the robot to any point, as far as I know, but not from robot's gripper to the object. Is there any way to change the behavior of movebase or use Moveit! with diff drive robot?
Asked by Vsevolod on 2015-03-19 06:40:56 UTC
Yes and no.
The direct solution to your problem is what you put in it as the request. You must know, where the gripper is relative to your robot, so you can easily transform the target pose for the gripper at the object into a target pose for the base. This is what you put into move_base.
However, that is just the interface. The default global planner might work, but is not necessarily best suited for this project. You might check out sbpl_lattice_planner or similar.
Asked by dornhege on 2015-03-19 07:43:54 UTC