WVIZ it could be possible run on ros indigo?
Hi guys!!
I need a web server rviz for a proyect and i show that there is wviz. But my problem is that my proyect work with ros indigo version and wviz with ros fuerte...
do you know if could be installed on ros indigo?
Thanks million!!
Asked by zior89 on 2015-03-05 06:37:09 UTC
Not exactly wviz, but you might be interested in visualization_rwt.
It's used in the rwt_moveit
package as a web-based TP for industrial robots (see denso - Using Web Operator).
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2015-03-05 06:59:22 UTC
i have just read it about it but i have a questions more. Could i be able to run my texture that are programming for gazebo and rviz on it?
maybe there is a simple questions.. sorry about it.. but i am practically new on simulations tools...
Asked by zior89 on 2015-03-05 07:12:16 UTC
I think this completely depends on what you want to do. If it's just for visualisation, it should be possible (although I don't know what kinds of data can be visualised using rwt), interaction also seems possible, but again, not sure what is supported. Perhaps contact the authors?
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2015-03-05 08:37:03 UTC
thanks very much! i will try to contact with the authors!
Asked by zior89 on 2015-03-05 09:03:28 UTC