Turtlebot ride backwards a specified distance
I want to write a python script that makes Turtlebot ride backwards for a specified distance in meters. I have this function
def ImuCallback(data, angle):
global stage
quat = data.orientation
q = [quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w]
roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quaternion(q)
sys.stdout.write("\r\033[1mGyro Angle\033[0m: [" + "{0:+.4f}".format(yaw) + " rad] ["\
+ "{0: >+7.2f}".format(degrees(yaw)) + " deg]"\
+ " \033[1mRate\033[0m: [" + "{0:+.4f}".format(data.angular_velocity.z) + " rad/s] ["\
+ "{0: >+7.2f}".format(degrees(data.angular_velocity.z)) + " deg/s] ")
if angle > 0:
if yaw > angle or yaw < 0:
stage += 1
if yaw > angle and yaw < 0:
stage += 1
which makes it stop when the robot is rotating. I would like to read the distance travelled by the robot similarly as to how I read the angle of its rotation. I feel it has to be simple but I don't know how to do it. Thanks in advance!
Asked by Elizaveta.Elagina on 2015-03-04 10:20:07 UTC
I see that class TravelForward can be used for my purpose. Probably it's not the most straightforward way but it works.
Asked by Elizaveta.Elagina on 2015-03-05 05:47:07 UTC
This kobuki script might be helpful to implement backward move.
Asked by jihoonl on 2015-03-09 19:04:01 UTC