Remmap buttons and axes PS2 Joystick be same as PS3?
I have two joystick: PS2 and PS3 and I want to remmap my PS2 joystick to be the same as PS3, because use same buttons and axes on my own node.
I see that package joystick_remapper is not longer in ROS. Any ideas?
I am working with Joy package to subscribe to joy.
Thank you for your time
Asked by astur on 2015-02-25 04:50:54 UTC
If it is just for one node a joystick specific config file for both might be sufficient.
If you want that more general, either backport joy_remapper or write it yourself. Either case should not be difficult at all.
Asked by dornhege on 2015-02-25 05:07:49 UTC
I find a easy solution:
sudo apt-get install joystick jstest-gtk
Remap what you want, and then:
sudo jscal-store /dev/input/jsX
X in my case is 0.Asked by astur on 2015-02-26 10:53:32 UTC