ipa_canopen_ros fails to recognize nodes
I am trying to initalize my schunk lwa4p arm using ipacanopenros, but it always fails when calling /arm_controller/init
[ INFO] [1424270781.383439747]: Trying to initialize the chain: arm_controller
Resetting communication with the devices
Initializing arm_controller
Waiting for Node: 3 to become available
Node: 3 is not ready for operation. Please check for eventual problems.
Same behaviour goes for ipa_canopen_core_move_device
, trying to access individual nodes, same behaviour for all nodes:
./ipa_canopen_core_move_device /dev/pcanusb0 7 500k 10 -0.1 -0.1
Interrupt motion with Ctrl-C
Resetting communication with the devices
Initializing test_chain
Waiting for Node: 7 to become available
Node: 7 is not ready for operation. Please check for eventual problems.
Accelerating to target velocity
Target velocity reached!
The last two lines
Accelerating to target velocity
Target velocity reached!
are shown occasionally, and not for all modules. Although it says that target velocity was reached, it was not, the arm did not move, which leaves me in the same situation as before.
Am I missing something or doing something wrong? When using windows tools I have access to all nodes and can move them freely. I also can access all nodes using CANOpenSimple software.
Thank you for your support!
Asked by Marcel Usai on 2015-02-18 10:00:49 UTC
Did you ever find out how to solve this?
I am running into the same exact issue.
Asked by greenfield on 2016-03-02 21:09:49 UTC
Hi, we switched to ros_canopen, but this brought other troubles and now we are developing our own software...
Asked by Marcel Usai on 2016-03-10 09:47:57 UTC