Depthimage_to_laserscan scan height too large (at 1 pixel)
Im having an issue using Depthimagetolaserscan. After I subscribe to the topic (uses lazy subscription), it throws an error:
Could not convert depth image to laserscan: scan_height ( 1 pixels) is too large for the image height.
This seems strange to me. Checking the headers of both the image topic and camera_info using rostopic echo, I find they are identically 640x40 pixels (not a typo), the expected size.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
It should be noted that I am running this off a raspberry pi, so I'm using some librekinect and opencv to create the images, with a camerainfomanager to hand out the camerainfo. Only the interface to depthimageto_laserscan causes issues: other uses of the image work fine. This post outlines a possible solution, but does not apply here as Im not using openni.
Asked by TimboInSpace on 2014-12-18 22:30:54 UTC