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How to list the permissions of the SICK Connection??

Hello, i have a P3AT robot spawned in Usarsim Simulator which has SICK laser mounted on it and this simulator is running under windows OS (Machine IP:Port--> and i am controlling P3AT via ROS installed in UBUNTU 10.04LTS(Machine IP-->, now i want to list the permissions of the sick connection but i am unable to figure how it could be done??

I have gone through the Using SICK Laser Scanners with the sicktoolbox_wrapper Tutorial but they have only described the procedure if the SICK laser is plugged in via USB or serial port but because i have sick in simulator enviroment as described above i am unable to list the Premissions.

Please help

Asked by Aarif on 2014-12-04 13:35:23 UTC


Are you using p2os? You should find relevant launch files in the p2os_launch package.

Asked by allenh1 on 2014-12-05 18:15:40 UTC

Asked by allenh1 on 2014-12-05 18:15:50 UTC

hi @allenh1, i am not using p2os, I've gone through the link you suggested, but that is (I think) for Gazebo simulator and ROS-Groovy, here i am using USARSim simulator and ROS-Fuerte, and there is not much given in the documentation, so i am wandering how will i use this.

Thank you

Asked by Aarif on 2014-12-06 12:59:32 UTC
