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Problem with ROS on a remote PC to control Nao [closed]

asked 2014-11-25 09:31:37 -0500

Alxander19 gravatar image

Hello. I have a problem with the part of the installation of ROS on a remote PC to control Nao. When I tried to start all required nodes from the package nao_bringup there is an error that appear all the time.

Follow the instructions 1) I start with the: $ roscore 2) In a new terminal I put: $ ~/naoqi/naoqi-sdk- 3) In a new terminal I put: $ roslaunch nao_bringup nao_sim.launch

And thi is the result:

alxander@Alxander-MacBookAir:~$ roslaunch nao_bringup nao_sim.launch ... logging to /home/alxander/.ros/log/20edb00c-74b2-11e4-b708-d0e1409656d2/roslaunch-Alxander-MacBookAir-4808.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

DEPRECATED IN HYDRO: The tag should be prepended with 'xacro' if that is the intended use of it, such as find . -iname *.xacro DEPRECATED IN HYDRO: The tag should be prepended with 'xacro' if that is the intended use of it, such as find . -iname *.xacro started roslaunch server http://Alxander-MacBookAir:37198/


PARAMETERS * /nao_sensors/use_joint_sensors: False * /pose_manager/poses/init/joint_names: ['Body'] * /pose_manager/poses/init/positions: [0.0, 0.0, 1.39, ... * /pose_manager/poses/init/time_from_start: 1.5 * /pose_manager/poses/zero/joint_names: ['Body'] * /pose_manager/poses/zero/positions: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0... * /pose_manager/poses/zero/time_from_start: 1.5 * /pose_manager/xap: /home/alxander/ca... * /robot_description:

NODES / base_footprint (nao_description/base_footprint) nao_behaviors (nao_driver/ nao_controller (nao_driver/ nao_diagnostic_updater (nao_driver/ nao_leds (nao_driver/ nao_logger (nao_driver/ nao_sensors (nao_driver/ nao_speech (nao_driver/ nao_tactile (nao_driver/ nao_walker (nao_driver/ pose_manager (nao_pose/ robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)


core service [/rosout] found process[robot_state_publisher-1]: started with pid [4829] process[base_footprint-2]: started with pid [4852] process[nao_sensors-3]: started with pid [4891] process[nao_walker-4]: started with pid [4892] process[nao_controller-5]: started with pid [4895] process[nao_behaviors-6]: started with pid [4900] process[nao_diagnostic_updater-7]: started with pid [4905] process[nao_leds-8]: started with pid [4915] process[nao_logger-9]: started with pid [4944] process[nao_speech-10]: started with pid [4984] process[nao_tactile-11]: started with pid [5033] process[pose_manager-12]: started with pid [5086]

Error part:

[ERROR] [WallTime: 1416928588.848401] Could not create Proxy to "ALAudioDevice". Exception message: ALProxy::ALProxy Can't find service: ALAudioDevice [WARN] [WallTime: 1416928588.848875] Proxy to ALAudioDevice not available, using dummy device (normal in simulation; volume controls disabled) /opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dynamic_reconfigure/ SyntaxWarning: The publisher should be created with an explicit keyword argument 'queue_size'. Please see for more information. self.descr_topic = rospy.Publisher('~parameter_descriptions', ConfigDescrMsg, latch=True) /opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dynamic_reconfigure/ SyntaxWarning: The publisher should be created with an explicit keyword argument 'queue_size'. Please see for more information. self.update_topic = rospy.Publisher('~parameter_updates', ConfigMsg, latch=True)

I hope some can help me please. I tried already almost everything. Thank you.

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2015-09-11 15:16:18.722741


hey, are you using a real NAO ? you are just launching a local NAOqi right ? there is no audio device locally.

Vincent Rabaud gravatar image Vincent Rabaud  ( 2014-12-04 10:46:34 -0500 )edit

I'm launching a local NAOqi, look I make this video so someone could help me. Thanks!

Alxander19 gravatar image Alxander19  ( 2014-12-04 11:29:59 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-12-04 03:54:27 -0500

marguedas gravatar image

Hi Alexander,

It seems that ROS cannot create a proxy on this module, one of the reasons might be because the module is not launched. It's a guess but can you try the following: 1) check on your NAO if the audiodevice module is launched by default: run "nano /etc/naoqi/autoload.ini" and check that you have a line with "audiodevice", if not please add it 2) restart naoqi by running : "nao stop" then "nao start".

It's just a side comment but there is a new github organisation for ros packages on aldebaran robot, you can fetch all these on . If you have questions or you want to share some development you can subscribe to the SIG ROS Aldebaran :!for...

Hope this will help you,

Mikael Arguedas

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Like i said in the other group that didn't, there is a video of the steps i followed. .

I hope you could help me. Thanks.

Alxander19 gravatar image Alxander19  ( 2014-12-22 17:11:31 -0500 )edit

answered 2014-12-22 17:11:01 -0500

Alxander19 gravatar image

Like i said in the other group that didn't, there is a video of the steps i followed.

I hope you could help me. Thanks.

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Asked: 2014-11-25 09:31:37 -0500

Seen: 983 times

Last updated: Dec 22 '14