no module named qi
Hey guys, I am trying to connect my nao via remote pc to ros and am running into some issues. It seems that I have my python path set correctly using
export PYTHONPATH=~/pynaoqi/pynaoqi-python-2.7-naoqi-1.14-linux32/:$PYTHONPATH
and when I run individual nodes it seems to connect to them fine except for the node upon which I receive the following error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/hydro/lib/naodriver/", line 24, in
does anyone know what is causing this and how to fix it? Thank you so much.
Asked by jlahey on 2014-11-19 21:39:48 UTC
Hi, what version of naoqi are you using ? qi is a library that is only available on naoqi >= 2.0. Please try to fetch the package naoqi-robot available here, this problem has been fixed on this one if I remember well.
Asked by marguedas on 2014-12-04 05:20:59 UTC
The fix was pushed upstream indeed
Asked by Vincent Rabaud on 2014-12-13 04:12:32 UTC