simple rosbridge v2 python/c++ client does not work
I am trying to connect to the rosbridge v2 with a python or c++ client, but i still can not connect to the websocket. As with javascript there is a confirmation like: Client connected. 1 clients total. Rosbridge and Client is running on the same PC. Javascript works fine, but python does not. I am using rosbridge v2 with ROS-Hydro and Ubuntu 12.04
this is maybe outdated:
Asked by Imper on 2014-11-17 09:20:28 UTC
You are looking at the rosbridge v1 protocol. All rosbridge v2 code is now on GitHub. The new protocol is specified here:
Also note that if you are using Python/C++ as a client, you can also utilize the TCP client included in rosbridge_suite.
Asked by rtoris288 on 2014-11-17 09:52:12 UTC
Thank you! I have not seen the TCP-Server. (roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_tcp.launch)
Asked by Imper on 2014-11-20 05:17:30 UTC