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rgbdslam v2 I can't open the 3Dmodel screen

I'm a freshman . i have installed the v2,when i open it ,it should have 3 screens,the rgb image , the deep image and a top screen which should be used to show the 3D ,bhowever i can't open the 3D screen , then i click the process there is a new image ai the right of deep image but the top screen still show the model this is the code when 1 open it: ... logging to /home/dess/.ros/log/1374083a-44ac-11e4-b602-1c3e84a34461/roslaunch-dess-Lenovo-G580-26156.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://dess-Lenovo-G580:49343/


PARAMETERS * /camera/cameranodeletmanager/numworkerthreads * /camera/depthrectifydepth/interpolation * /camera/depthregisteredrectifydepth/interpolation * /camera/disparitydepth/maxrange * /camera/disparitydepth/minrange * /camera/disparityregisteredhw/maxrange * /camera/disparityregisteredhw/minrange * /camera/disparityregisteredsw/maxrange * /camera/disparityregisteredsw/minrange * /camera/driver/depthcamerainfourl * /camera/driver/depthframeid * /camera/driver/depthregistration * /camera/driver/deviceid * /camera/driver/rgbcamerainfourl * /camera/driver/rgbframeid * /rgbdslam/config/cloudcreationskipstep * /rgbdslam/config/dataskipstep * /rgbdslam/config/featuredetectortype * /rgbdslam/config/featureextractortype * /rgbdslam/config/maxkeypoints * /rgbdslam/config/nndistanceratio * /rgbdslam/config/ransaciterations * /rgbdslam/config/topicimagedepth * /rgbdslam/config/topicimagemono * /rgbdslam/config/topic_points * /rosdistro * /rosversion

NODES /camera/ cameranodeletmanager (nodelet/nodelet) debayer (nodelet/nodelet) depthmetric (nodelet/nodelet) depthmetricrect (nodelet/nodelet) depthpoints (nodelet/nodelet) depthrectifydepth (nodelet/nodelet) depthregisteredrectifydepth (nodelet/nodelet) disparitydepth (nodelet/nodelet) disparityregisteredhw (nodelet/nodelet) disparityregisteredsw (nodelet/nodelet) driver (nodelet/nodelet) pointsxyzrgbhwregistered (nodelet/nodelet) pointsxyzrgbswregistered (nodelet/nodelet) rectifycolor (nodelet/nodelet) rectifyir (nodelet/nodelet) rectifymono (nodelet/nodelet) registerdepthrgb (nodelet/nodelet) / camerabaselink (tf/statictransformpublisher) camerabaselink1 (tf/statictransformpublisher) camerabaselink2 (tf/statictransformpublisher) camerabaselink3 (tf/statictransform_publisher) rgbdslam (rgbdslam/rgbdslam)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [26170] ROSMASTERURI=http://localhost:11311

setting /runid to 1374083a-44ac-11e4-b602-1c3e84a34461 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [26183] started core service [/rosout] process[camera/cameranodeletmanager-2]: started with pid [26195] [ INFO] [1411646658.609134801]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads. process[camera/driver-3]: started with pid [26216] process[camera/debayer-4]: started with pid [26232] process[camera/rectifymono-5]: started with pid [26246] process[camera/rectifycolor-6]: started with pid [26262] process[camera/rectifyir-7]: started with pid [26276] process[camera/depthrectifydepth-8]: started with pid [26290] process[camera/depthmetricrect-9]: started with pid [26306] process[camera/depthmetric-10]: started with pid [26320] process[camera/depthpoints-11]: started with pid [26334] [ INFO] [1411646658.993749364]: Number devices connected: 1 [ INFO] [1411646658.993991591]: 1. device on bus 003:18 is a SensorV2 (2ae) from PrimeSense (45e) with serial id 'A00364A11591108A' [ INFO] [1411646658.994855644]: Searching for device with index = 1 [ INFO] [1411646659.028497526]: Opened 'SensorV2' on bus 3:18 with serial number 'A00364A11591108A' process[camera/registerdepthrgb-12]: started with pid [26358] process[camera/pointsxyzrgbswregistered-13]: started with pid [26408] process[camera/depthregisteredrectifydepth-14]: started with pid [26422] process[camera/pointsxyzrgbhwregistered-15]: started with pid [26436] process[camera/disparitydepth-16]: started with pid [26450] process[camera/disparityregisteredsw-17]: started with pid [26472] process[camera/disparityregisteredhw-18]: started with pid [26486] process[camerabaselink-19]: started with pid [26515] [ INFO] [1411646659.466650910]: rgbframeid = '/camerargbopticalframe' [ INFO] [1411646659.466998150]: depthframeid = '/cameradepthopticalframe' [ WARN] [1411646659.477378683]: Camera calibration file /home/dess/.ros/camerainfo/rgbA00364A11591108A.yaml not found. [ WARN] [1411646659.477739869]: Using default parameters for RGB camera calibration. [ WARN] [1411646659.477925327]: Camera calibration file /home/dess/.ros/camerainfo/depthA00364A11591108A.yaml not found. [ WARN] [1411646659.478084130]: Using default parameters for IR camera calibration. process[camerabaselink1-20]: started with pid [26538] process[camerabaselink2-21]: started with pid [26579] process[camerabaselink3-22]: started with pid [26593] process[rgbdslam-23]: started with pid [26619] Initializing Node... [ INFO] [1411646659.825870881]: Connected to roscore [ INFO] [1411646660.066431716]: Listening to /camera/rgb/imagecolor and /camera/depthregistered/swregistered/imagerect_raw Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "Save Octomap" under id 6 Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".

then i process QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current. [ INFO] [1411646709.721067169]: Pause toggled to: false [ INFO] [1411646709.898979878]: Caught feature with zero in depth neighbourhood [ INFO] [1411646709.900569522]: Feature 2d size: 106, 3D: 106 [ INFO] [1411646709.900619523]: Feature 2d size: 106, 3D: 106 [ INFO] [1411646709.925066527]: There is already 3D Information in the FrameInfo, clearing it [ INFO] [1411646709.925428054]: Feature 2d size: 106, 3D: 106 [ INFO] [1411646709.925472524]: Feature 2d size: 106, 3D: 106 [ INFO] [1411646709.925534017]: Feature Descriptors size: 106 x 64 [ INFO] [1411646709.925631013]: Feature Count of Node: 106 [ INFO] [1411646709.930614453]: Ground Truth Transform for First Node: Translation 0 0 0 [ INFO] [1411646709.930788730]: Ground Truth Transform for First Node: Rotation 0 0 0 1 [ INFO] [1411646709.930881274]: Adding initial node with id 0 and seq 0, vid: 0 [ INFO] [1411646709.932242617]: Setting Renderable [ERROR] [1411646709.933760135]: No display list could be created QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current. [ INFO] [1411646709.934190922]: 1 Keyframes: 0, [ERROR] [1411646709.935376360]: No display list could be created [ INFO] [1411646710.092179763]: Feature 2d size: 100, 3D: 100 [ INFO] [1411646710.092236316]: Feature 2d size: 100, 3D: 100 [ INFO] [1411646710.112270194]: There is already 3D Information in the FrameInfo, clearing it [ INFO] [1411646710.112614919]: Feature 2d size: 100, 3D: 100 [ INFO] [1411646710.112660527]: Feature 2d size: 100, 3D: 100 [ INFO] [1411646710.112733418]: Feature Descriptors size: 100 x 64 [ INFO] [1411646710.112803638]: Feature Count of Node: 100 [ INFO] [1411646710.117686883]: Odometry Delta: Translation 0 0 0 [ INFO] [1411646710.118103129]: Odometry Delta: Rotation 0 0 0 1 [ INFO] [1411646710.118193505]: No Valid Odometry, using identity [ INFO] [1411646710.118443674]: Node ID's to compare with candidate for node 1. Sequential: 0 [ INFO] [1411646710.118540317]: Nodes to compare: 0 [ INFO] [1411646710.118638419]: Running node comparisons in parallel in 3 (of 4) available threads [ INFO] [1411646710.122257837]: Feature Matches between Nodes 1 ( 100 features) and 0 ( 106 features) in segment 1/1 (features 0 to 100 of first node): 61. Percentage: 61.000000%, Avg NN Ratio: 0.391761 [ INFO] [1411646710.123084434]: 1 good iterations (from 200), inlier pct 100, inlier cnt: 61, error (MHD): 0.59 [ INFO] [1411646710.123146152]: Nodes 1<->0: 1 good iterations (from 200), inlier pct 100, inlier cnt: 61, error (MHD): 0.59 [ INFO] [1411646710.123233110]: RANSAC found a valid transformation with 61 inliers matches with average ratio 0.139542 [ INFO] [1411646710.123281832]: Returning Valid Edge [ INFO] [1411646710.124257510]: Result of comparison 0: edge id1: 0; edge id2: 1; rmse: 0.591715; inlier matches size: 61; all matches size: 61; [ INFO] [1411646710.124308523]: new node has id 1 [ INFO] [1411646710.124390321]: Rotation: 0.04, Distance: 0.006m [ INFO] [1411646710.124450148]: Rotation: 0.04, Distance: 0.006m [ INFO] [1411646710.124562428]: Added Edge between 0 and 1. Inliers: 61 [ INFO] [1411646710.124626120]: Adding node with id 1 and seq id 1 to the graph [ERROR] [1411646710.124730488]: No display list could be created QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current. [ INFO] [1411646710.124871967]: Added Node, new graphsize: 2 nodes [ERROR] [1411646710.124982324]: No display list could be created [ INFO] [1411646710.125061606]: Added, Camera Pose Graph Size: 2N/1E, Duration: 0.007599, Inliers: 61 [ WARN] [1411646710.125236669]: Loop Closures: 0, Sequential Edges: 1 [ WARN] [1411646710.125344890]: Starting Optimization [ WARN] [1411646710.125514622]: Optimization with 2 cams, 2 nodes and 1 edges in the graph [ WARN] [1411646710.126181120]: G2O Statistics: 2 cameras, 1 edges. 0 ; chi2 , Iterations: 2 [ INFO] [1411646710.126343937]: A: last cam: 1 [ WARN] [1411646710.126873890]: GM: 1198: no graph edges in visualzation [ WARN] [1411646710.127070401]: Optimizer Runtime; 0.00184072 s [ INFO] [1411646710.127229896]: optimizeGraphImpl runtime: 0.00197947 s [ INFO] [1411646710.127961517]: drawFeatureFlow runtime: 0.00275626 s [ INFO] [1411646710.298219542]: Feature 2d size: 105, 3D: 105 [ INFO] [1411646710.298286834]: Feature 2d size: 105, 3D: 105 [ INFO] [1411646710.322606384]: There is already 3D Information in the FrameInfo, clearing it [ INFO] [1411646710.322957934]: Feature 2d size: 105, 3D: 105 [ INFO] [1411646710.323005097]: Feature 2d size: 105, 3D: 105 [ INFO] [1411646710.323054438]: Feature Descriptors size: 105 x 64 [ INFO] [1411646710.323105656]: Feature Count of Node: 105 [ INFO] [1411646710.327736298]: Odometry Delta: Translation 0 0 0 [ INFO] [1411646710.328290966]: Odometry Delta: Rotation 0 0 0 1 [ INFO] [1411646710.328619998]: No Valid Odometry, using identity [ INFO] [1411646710.329969216]: Node ID's to compare with candidate for node 2. Sequential: 0, 1 [ INFO] [1411646710.330176510]: Nodes to compare: 1 [ INFO] [1411646710.330386700]: Nodes to compare: 0 [ INFO] [1411646710.330559639]: Running node comparisons in parallel in 3 (of 4) available threads [ INFO] [1411646710.332304986]: Feature Matches between Nodes 2 ( 105 features) and 0 ( 106 features) in segment 1/1 (features 0 to 105 of first node): 60. Percentage: 57.142857%, Avg NN Ratio: 0.410463 [ INFO] [1411646710.332688629]: 1 good iterations (from 200), inlier pct 96, inlier cnt: 58, error (MHD): 0.71 [ INFO] [1411646710.332744416]: Nodes 2<->0: 1 good iterations (from 200), inlier pct 96, inlier cnt: 58, error (MHD): 0.71 [ INFO] [1411646710.332838732]: RANSAC found a valid transformation with 58 inliers matches with average ratio 0.148551 [ INFO] [1411646710.332918965]: Returning Valid Edge [ INFO] [1411646710.333020417]: Feature Matches between Nodes 2 ( 105 features) and 1 ( 100 features) in segment 1/1 (features 0 to 105 of first node): 59. Percentage: 56.190476%, Avg NN Ratio: 0.420516 [ INFO] [1411646710.333241112]: 1 good iterations (from 200), inlier pct 96, inlier cnt: 57, error (MHD): 0.62 [ INFO] [1411646710.333286691]: Nodes 2<->1: 1 good iterations (from 200), inlier pct 96, inlier cnt: 57, error (MHD): 0.62 [ INFO] [1411646710.333339273]: RANSAC found a valid transformation with 57 inliers matches with average ratio 0.158344 [ INFO] [1411646710.333371862]: Returning Valid Edge [ INFO] [1411646710.333592115]: Result of comparison 0: edge id1: 0; edge id2: 2; rmse: 0.706512; allpoints: 3048104020; inlier matches size: 58; all matches size: 60; [ INFO] [1411646710.333771502]: new node has id 2 [ INFO] [1411646710.333970066]: Rotation: 0.33, Distance: 0.026m [ INFO] [1411646710.334154247]: Rotation: 0.33, Distance: 0.026m [ INFO] [1411646710.334381299]: Added Edge between 0 and 2. Inliers: 58 [ INFO] [1411646710.336946254]: Result of comparison 1: edge id1: 1; edge id2: 2; rmse: 0.620151; all_points: 3048104020; inlier matches size: 57; all matches size: 59; [ INFO] [1411646710.337165141]: new node has id 2 [ INFO] [1411646710.337330249]: Rotation: 0.06, Distance: 0.010m [ INFO] [1411646710.337490877]: Rotation: 0.06, Distance: 0.010m [ INFO] [1411646710.337669133]: Added Edge between 1 and 2. Inliers: 57 [ INFO] [1411646710.337839705]: Adding node with id 2 and seq id 2 to the graph [ERROR] [1411646710.338272013]: No display list could be created QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current. [ INFO] [1411646710.338509364]: Added Node, new graphsize: 3 nodes [ERROR] [1411646710.338651680]: No display list could be created

Asked by dess on 2014-09-25 07:19:35 UTC

