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launch sbpl_lattice_planner (hydro ) errors

asked 2014-09-21 22:02:06 -0500

jxl gravatar image

updated 2014-09-21 22:06:14 -0500

Dear all.

i 'm using ubuntu 12.04 ,turtlebot1 and hydro,created a catkin_ws workspace , installed sbpl through sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-sbplthanks to Johannes and ahendrix , i download Johannes's and catkin_makesuccessfuly,but when i

roslaunch sbpl_lattice_planner  move_base_sbpl_fake_localization_2.5cm.launch

it came out two errors,ERROR: cannot launch node of type [stage/stageros]: can't locate node [stageros] in package [stage] ,ERROR: cannot launch node of type [nav_view/nav_view]: nav_view . when i rospackfind stage and stage_ros in the path'/opt/ros/hydro/share/'

my questions are:

  1. in the move_base_sbpl_fake_localization_2.5cm.launch,how to correct the line <node pkg="stage" type="stageros" name="stageros" args="$(find sbpl_lattice_planner)/worlds/" respawn="false" >to fix the first error?
  2. in the sbpl_lattice_planner/launch/move_base/nav_view_sbpl.xml,how to correct the line node name="nav_view" pkg="nav_view" type="nav_view" respawn="false">to fix the second error(i want to use rviz to replace nav_view,but don't know how to do ),does the 'remap from ...'lines also need to be changed ?
  3. in the sbpl_lattice_planner/launch/move_base/move_base/move_base_sbpl.xml, does the line <param name="SBPLLatticePlanner/primitive_filename" value="$(find sbpl)/matlab/mprim/pr2.mprim"/> fit my turtlebot1 (it can only forward ,backward and rotation)?

    thanks to your time and suggestions !!

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1 Answer

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answered 2014-09-22 00:51:04 -0500

ahendrix gravatar image

Background: it looks like the launch file is running a simulator. You'll probably need to adjust it a lot to run it on a real robot.

  1. is trying to start the stage simulator. You should be able to install it with sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-stage

  2. is trying to start nav_view. You should probably just remove that node and run rivz manually instead.

  3. Once you're comfortable running the sbpl planner in simulation, you should generate a new set of motion primitives to fit your turtlebot (or find a similar project and use their motion primitives).

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@ahendrix,thanks . i removed that nav_view node ,sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-stage,and then only roslaunch the move_base_sbpl_fake_localization_2.5cm.launch,the first error still occur .in '/opt/ros/hydro/share/',there are only stage and stage_ros,not exist stageros.

jxl gravatar image jxl  ( 2014-09-22 03:26:42 -0500 )edit

It looks like the package for stage is now stage_ros and the node name is still stageros

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2014-09-22 11:20:47 -0500 )edit

corrected the package name, and launch again , occured the error like link, there is a patchlink,did you know how to use it

jxl gravatar image jxl  ( 2014-09-22 23:19:14 -0500 )edit

It looks like the simulation needs to be updated for the new version of stage. I suspect no one has run that simulation in a long, long time; you may just want to abandon it and move to a turtlebot simulation or a real robot.

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2014-09-22 23:50:19 -0500 )edit

ok, sir, i will try the planner on the turtlebot .thanks a lot !!

jxl gravatar image jxl  ( 2014-09-23 00:18:05 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2014-09-21 22:02:06 -0500

Seen: 772 times

Last updated: Sep 22 '14