Kinect fps
Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to change the number of fps of kinect, i'm getting 30 fps and I would like to get 1 frame par second. Any help will be appreciated. thnx in advance.
Asked by faty on 2014-08-18 10:21:38 UTC
Yes. The openni drivers have a "skip" parameter which allows them to skip frames received from the Kinect. There are also options to decrease the frame rate and resolution of the sensor itself.
Both of these can be set through ROS parameters and through dynamic_reconfigure (rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
Asked by ahendrix on 2014-08-19 00:59:48 UTC
I have found the openni configuration file and I have set FPS to 1 in depth, image (rgb) and IR, but when I try to use the Kinect with this configuration I get this error: CvCapture_OpenNI::setDepthGeneratorProperty : Device Protocol: Bad Parameter sent ! thanks.
Asked by faty on 2014-08-19 05:13:04 UTC
Why aren't you using dynamic_reconfigure as I suggested? I suggested it specifically because it prevents you from selecting invalid parameters, and allows you to change the settings without restarting the driver.
Asked by ahendrix on 2014-08-19 12:50:37 UTC