Why the amcl can't be launched in a robot app [closed]

asked 2014-04-22 02:23:36 -0500

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updated 2014-04-24 22:07:12 -0500

We are trying to show multiple robot postions(and status) in a rviz from a sever, I created a robot App based on amcl by the instruction in ROS wiki. The detail of my modification based on multinav_concert in the ROCON's hydro is as follows:

Create a robot app : nav_test.interface which content is:

 - map
 - map_metadata 
 - move_base_simple/goal 
 - initialpose
 - robot_pose
 - amcl_pose
services: []
action_clients: []
- move_base

2 , The content of nav_test.launch is:

  <include file="$(find turtlebot_navigation)/launch/amcl_infocenter.launch"/>
  <node pkg="robot_pose_publisher" name="robot_pose_publisher" type="robot_pose_publisher">
    is_stamped: true
    base_frame: base_footprint

Other places such as implementation.yaml, in the directory orchestration and multinav.rapps, nav_test.rapp are also modified.

But I found amcl_infocenter.launch was not launched. Please tell me the reason, THank you!

Ok, Now I sucessfully launch amcl node in a turtlebot, with concert.launch and multinav_database_client.launch in a server computer. But the amcl node launched by amcl_infocenter.launch doesn't launch map server. I thought the map data was shared among computers. So why the turtlebot running soft_navbot_client.launch can't recieve map data from server? Thank you!

Dear @jihoonl Even running multinav_concert package with original nav_demo, the info of topic /map in the master running soft_navbot_client.launch is shown as:

Type: nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
Publishers: None
Subscribers:  * /softbot/move_base (http://TTBA:37142/)

Why this topic /map doesn't have publisher? If so, where does the map data in this master come from? It is certainly that the map data is from the master runnning multinav_database_client.launch, but I can't understand how it is transfered to another master running soft_navbot_client.launch

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by scopus
close date 2014-05-11 00:03:08


Can you spend a little time formatting your question so that it's readable?

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2014-04-22 06:36:57 -0500 )edit

Hi, I am very sorry. Actually, I have tried my best to make it readable. I wanted to copy the content of nav_test.launch and implementation.yam,but the text shown above is quite strange. I think the big reason is I don't know how to edit in HTML format. Thank you very much!

scopus gravatar image scopus  ( 2014-04-22 15:55:01 -0500 )edit

The web editor gui contains buttons specifically for code blocks; you shouldn't have to know HTML to use it.

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2014-04-23 07:03:11 -0500 )edit

amcl_infocenter should have been launched from the given information. Can you provide more information like the log of app manager terminal, rosnode list, rostopic list, and etc?

jihoonl gravatar image jihoonl  ( 2014-04-23 13:52:04 -0500 )edit

Thank you very much for your re-editing @ahendrix. I will keep my questions readable.

scopus gravatar image scopus  ( 2014-04-24 04:03:23 -0500 )edit

Dear @jihoonl, I am sorry, I think this is due to the low ability of asus computer which is a standard part of a turtlebot2. When I found it was not run succesfully, I'd better wait for a moment. So now I accidently run it succesfully. But now I found another question which will be submit in original question as a supplement. Thank you for you attention.

scopus gravatar image scopus  ( 2014-04-24 04:16:31 -0500 )edit