Manipulation: how send object position to simple_arm_server

asked 2014-04-16 16:24:11 -0500

fuchangjie gravatar image

Hi all, I have packages like Arbotix-groovy, simple_arms, arm_navigation_groovy. Now I can publish object position from a node. I'm trying to find a way to let codes(that have grasping function), for example, and simple_arm) to accept this position. Then this position should be altered to a trajectory control msg by IK function(request.ik_request.pose_stamped.pose.position.x, in But I'm really confusing in how to let server get the position. I have two conjectures. Maybe the object position is required to be transformed to a "goal" by actionlib, and then accepted by function "ac_.acceptNewGoal()", which will later be sent by function "client.send(goal)" to client. The client will compute the trajectory controlling cmd. Or maybe we can subscribe the object position topic and let it to be inputed in the variable(pose.pose.position.x, in simple_move_arm_server.cpp) of IK function which will later generated trajectory controlling cmd. Can anyone give me a detailed explanation of the mechanism of imputing the object position to server(where is the interface, by which means(actionlib's goal, feedback, result, or msg's publish and subscribe(similar to ""))? Thanks in advance!

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