More navigation using Octomap

asked 2014-04-10 15:16:04 -0500

rexcummings gravatar image

Hello everyone,

Currently, I am building Octomaps in RViz via Octomap server and using them for navigation purposes. I have been successful in downprojecting or "pancaking the PointCloud2 points along a specific z-axis range" from the 3D map and producing a 2D occupancy map. I save this as a static 2D map and autonomously navigate through the known map with a Turtlebot. In doing this I been able to somewhat use the 3D aspect of Octomap, however I would take advantage of its potential. One problem I have it the expensive processing power it takes to map a room using Octomap, any ideas for optimizing that would be nice. If you have any suggestions/tips on how I could do more advanced navigation or obstacle avoidance I'd appreciate it.

I am mainly looking for ideas that I can run with and that will help me pursue robotics further.

Thank you!

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