Authentication from when checking out roboearth

asked 2014-04-01 18:15:27 -0500

wesleyc gravatar image

I'm trying to check out the roboearth code but am getting stuck at the Authentication.

I saw this question which seems to be related, created an account and can login to the website, but still cannot pass the Authentication using the same login info when checking out the code.

$ svn co roboearth
Authentication realm: <> RoboEarth Repository (BV)
Password for 'wesleyc': 
Authentication realm: <> RoboEarth Repository (BV)
Username: wesleyc 
Password for 'wesleyc': 
Authentication realm: <> RoboEarth Repository (BV)
Username: wesleyc
Password for 'wesleyc': 
svn: OPTIONS of '': authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge (

Does anyone have a solution?


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