rbx1_nav linear_calibration fails
I've been trying to use rbx1 on a totally fresh install of hydro and I've been having the problem trying to do rosrun rbx1_nav linear_calibration.py
It crashes with rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound: kdl
which can be fixed by changing the manifest line from <depend package="kdl"/>
to <depend package="orocos_kdl"/>"
This then causes it to throw ImportError: cannot import name CalibrateLinearConfig
Any ideas on how I can fix this?
Asked by r2djoe on 2014-03-27 00:14:23 UTC
Hello , I meet the same problems,when
rosrun rbx1_nav calibrate_linear.py
,line 29 in the calibrate_linear.py file,from rbx1_nav.cfg import CalibrateLinearConfig
,there is no rbx1_nav.cfg ,how did you fix this ?Asked by jxl on 2015-10-24 00:55:48 UTC