URDF to Collada Error
I have been trying to create a collada file so that later i can create a ikfast plugin. However I can't for the life of me get the collada_urdf tool to work. It generally does one of two things:
Either complete with and error but for some reason it says it is successful however there is no file generated in the folder.
I/O error : No such file or directory
I/O error : No such file or directory
error : xmlNewTextWriterFilename : cannot open uri
Document successfully written to katana_450_6m90a.dae
or, it basically hangs and does nothing, but blink back at me :)
Has anyone else come across something like this, and perhaps found a solution, or know of another way to go about creating the collada file using a URDF.
Any help is appreciated
Asked by cdrwolfe on 2014-02-08 14:00:42 UTC
which command did you use for the conversion?
Asked by Bastbeat on 2014-05-03 03:09:58 UTC
As memory serves: rosrun collada_urdf urdf_to_collada with the appropriate files
Asked by cdrwolfe on 2014-05-03 08:40:54 UTC
have you managed to solve the problem?
Asked by Davide Faconti on 2014-10-23 10:23:07 UTC
Nope, unfortunately I can't find a solution
Asked by cdrwolfe on 2015-01-10 10:02:29 UTC
I'm having the same problem, any clue?
Asked by vncprado on 2015-05-20 01:41:07 UTC
Hi, Sorry to say but I've still had no luck, but I have been on a bit of a hiatus this past few months so might not be in the loop.
Asked by cdrwolfe on 2015-05-20 11:27:30 UTC
Related question that seems resolved http://answers.ros.org/question/198995/problem-converting-simple-urdf-file-in-collada/
Asked by 130s on 2016-11-06 08:59:36 UTC
Thanks 130s I will give it a go and report back
Asked by cdrwolfe on 2016-11-06 11:19:37 UTC