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Changing parameters for SICK laser on Pioneer robots

Hi all,

I am currently working with SICK lms 200 laser mounted on p3dx robot. I want to change the resolution (angleincrement) of the laser from the default 1 degree to say 0.25 degree. If I try to change the value within my script, it throws me an error saying that "scanmsg->angle_increment" is a read only parameter and cannot be changed. Can anyone suggest how to make changes to this particular parameter or any other parameters in general for Sick laser using RosAria? Thanks in advance.

Asked by Ashesh Goswami on 2014-02-06 15:31:01 UTC



Are you using the sicktoolbox_wrapper? If so, you can set those parameters before you run the node, e.g.:

$ rosparam set sicklms/angle 100
$ rosparam set sicklms/resolution 0.25

(I just got it working with these parameters using the lms 200.)

Then follow the instructions in the sicktoolbox_wrapper tutorial to set the other parameters and launch the node.

Asked by Angus on 2014-03-04 15:35:44 UTC


This might be a long delay in replying. If I pass the parameters as (100,0.25) it works fine but if I want say (180,0.25) as the (angle,resolution) parameter for the SICK LMS 200 laser scanner it throws me this warning "Unable to set resolution. Using 5.000000e-01 instead of 2.500000e-01" but ultimately maintains a resolution of 1 degree. Can you help me in understanding what might be going wrong?

Asked by Ashesh Goswami on 2014-07-23 16:47:30 UTC

I don't believe it supports that resolution/scan angle combination. See page 11:

Asked by Angus on 2014-07-23 17:44:33 UTC


I'm also trying to use the Sick lms 200 in indigo, but I can not connect. The sicktoolbox_wrapper always sends the message

A Timeout Occurred! 2 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred! 1 tries remaining
A Timeout Occurred - SickLIDAR::_sendMessageAndGetReply: Attempted max number of tries w/o success!

I am using the following launcher in Pionner P3at:

    <node pkg="sicktoolbox_wrapper" type="sicklms" name="sicklms_node" >
            <param name="port" type="string" value="/dev/ttyS1" />
            <param name="baud" type="int" value="38400" />
            <param name="angle" type="int" value="180" />
            <param name="resolution"  value="1" />
            <param name="connect_delay"  value="30" />

Anyone know where the error?

Asked by andresoliveira on 2015-04-01 13:58:18 UTC


Please do not add answers that are actually new/related questions. You are much better off opening a new question (which you did), and linking to any relevant questions.

Asked by jarvisschultz on 2015-04-01 15:06:22 UTC