move_base not using base_local_planner_params.yaml [closed]

asked 2014-01-10 11:14:50 -0500

codeit gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:07:19 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

Hi. Could someone please help me control cmd_vel published by move_base. And also get rid of some warnings and errors..

The move_base publishes velocities for x upto 0.55 which would be the default. I am just not able to reduce the velocity. what am I missing here ? Is there anything specific I must do so that move_base honors the base_local_planner_params.yaml, besides including it in the launch file ?

I have the following base_local_planner_params.yaml

  max_vel_x: 0.2
  min_vel_x: 0.05
  max_rotational_vel: 0.7
  min_in_place_rotational_vel: .2
  escape_vel: -0.2

  sim_time: 1.7
  sim_granularity: 0.05
  path_distance_bias: 0.6
  goal_distance_bias: 0.6

  acc_lim_th: 3.2
  acc_lim_x: 1.0
  acc_lim_y: 1.0

  holonomic_robot: false

  yaw_goal_tolerance: 3.14
  meter_scoring: true

  dwa: true

The following is a section of the output.

    [ WARN] [1389393721.834474437]: Waiting on transform from /base_link to /map to become available before running costmap, tf error: 
    [ WARN] [1389393722.974344197]: Camera calibration file /home/puthanpu/.ros/camera_info/rgb_1205100078.yaml not found.
    [ WARN] [1389393722.974506941]: Using default parameters for RGB camera calibration.
    [ WARN] [1389393722.976141033]: Camera calibration file /home/puthanpu/.ros/camera_info/depth_1205100078.yaml not found.
    [ WARN] [1389393722.976883283]: Using default parameters for IR camera calibration.
    [ WARN] [1389393728.166220801]: The scan observation buffer has not been updated for 1.97 seconds, and it should be updated every 0.20 seconds.
    [ INFO] [1389393728.532757155]: MAP SIZE: 1984, 1984
    [ INFO] [1389393728.539124488]: Subscribed to Topics: laser_scan_sensor
    [ INFO] [1389393728.988017605]: Sim period is set to 0.17
    [ WARN] [1389393728.996551422]: Trajectory Rollout planner initialized with param meter_scoring not set. Set it to true to make your settins robust against changes of costmap resolution.
    [ WARN] [1389393729.366238883]: The scan observation buffer has not been updated for 0.22 seconds, and it should be updated every 0.20 seconds.
    [ WARN] [1389393729.638190310]: The scan observation buffer has not been updated for 0.46 seconds, and it should be updated every 0.20 seconds.
    [ WARN] [1389393729.659189191]: Message from [/depthimage_to_laserscan] has a non-fully-qualified frame_id [camera_depth_frame]. Resolved locally to [/camera_depth_frame].  This is will likely not work in multi-robot systems.  This message will only print once.
    [ERROR] [1389393866.876348681]: Extrapolation Error: Unable to lookup transform, cache is empty, when looking up transform from frame [/odom] to frame [/map]

    [ERROR] [1389393866.876469056]: Global Frame: /odom Plan Frame size 41: /map

    [ WARN] [1389393866.876566362]: Could not transform the global plan to the frame of the controller
    [ERROR] [1389393869.875883203]: Extrapolation Error: Unable to lookup transform, cache is empty, when looking up transform from frame [/odom] to frame [/map]

[ERROR] [1389394091.286731925]: Extrapolation Error: Unable to lookup transform, cache is empty, when looking up transform from frame [/odom] to frame [/map]

[ERROR] [1389394091.286860957]: Global Frame: /odom Plan Frame size 6: /map

[ WARN] [1389394091.286922326]: Could not transform the global plan to the frame of the controller
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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by 130s
close date 2015-06-30 04:38:07.322193


may I have a copy of your launch files?

hamidoudi gravatar image hamidoudi  ( 2014-01-12 14:16:16 -0500 )edit

I had made a mistake in my launch file .. thanks :)

codeit gravatar image codeit  ( 2014-01-14 15:47:55 -0500 )edit

@codeit I took your comment above as "the mistake in launch file hindered the config files to take effect" and now your issue is solved. So I close this question. Please reopen if not with more information.

130s gravatar image 130s  ( 2015-06-30 04:37:51 -0500 )edit

@codeit could you send me your launch files and param.yaml files for reference. I'm having a similar problem but I can't see the answer. It would be a really great help if you could help me out. Thanks

pk99 gravatar image pk99  ( 2021-04-24 02:40:57 -0500 )edit