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PR2 Spinning, obstacle_range parameter


We've been having trouble getting our PR2 to navigate between a few stations. We can see in Rviz that a path is found when we set a goal, but then the PR2 begin spinning in place continuously (in one direction), even when it would seem perfectly reasonable to continue along its path and there are no immediate obstructions. If we set a 2d nav goal a good distance from any station, however, it seems to head there without much issue.

We also found that by setting the obstaclerange parameter in costmapparamscommon.yaml in the pr2navigation_config package to some low value (e.g. 0.05), the previous issue went away, but obstacles detected by the tilting laser wouldn't be registered.

Any advice on parameters to tune would be appreciated. We're using Diamondback with the default configurations. Thanks!

EDIT: Our problem seems to have been solved. We changed the baselocalplanner from DWAPlannerROS to TrajectoryPlannerROS. Still not entirely sure as to the issue.

Asked by zxie on 2011-08-01 18:15:04 UTC


I've seen exactly the same problem. I will test your solution and report back.

Asked by Lorenzo Riano on 2011-08-09 21:02:31 UTC

On occasion, I have seen the PR2 spin weirdly with the dwa_local_planner. However, its never been infinite, and I've never been able to reliably reproduce it. I'm glad that the base_local_planner works for you for now, but perhaps I'll try to take another shot at tracking down what might be wrong.

Asked by eitan on 2011-08-08 05:43:00 UTC
