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Usage of Time Synchronizer with rosbag

Hi there, I am writing a ros node which subscribe to 3 lasers range finders (Sick LMS), and do some processes on them. I am runing on ros Fuerte.

So I use a message_filter::TimeSynchronizer to synchronize them, and to centralize all the datas in an unique callback.

class LaserSubscriber
    typedef message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::LaserScan> tLaserSub;
    typedef message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<sensor_msgs::LaserScan, sensor_msgs::LaserScan,
                                                            sensor_msgs::LaserScan> tApproxTimeLaser;
    typedef message_filters::Synchronizer<tApproxTimeLaser> tSynchronizer;
    void OnNewScans(LaserListener::tLaser &_scanVert1, LaserListener::tLaser &_scanVert2,
                    LaserListener::tLaser &_scanHoriz);

So as you can see, I am using the ApproximateTime sync policy.

When I play with rosbag, I have a strange behaviour. If I launch rosbag play with the "loop" and "clock" options, the first loop will works well, but not the second one. In the second loop, the call back is never called.

I think it's because the synchronizer is waiting for a data which will never be published. When /clock is "x" (the end of my rosbag", and my rosbag restart, /clock is "y" and y < x, so the synchrnonizer seems to wait for a data stamped with something greater than x (that is what we want when we use a synchroniser).

TF have the same problem, but TF is very smart, it detect a jump in time and reset the cache.

My reasoning is it good ? Does the synchronizer can do the same ? Is it possible to reset manualy a synchronizer ?


Asked by abarral on 2013-12-02 04:41:01 UTC


Have you found an answer to this? I'm experiencing the very same problem right now and would appreciate an answer. Thanks!

Asked by Hendrik Wiese on 2017-11-13 11:36:56 UTC

I am trying to solve this problem too...

Asked by davidQ on 2019-04-05 05:45:23 UTC


It looks like calling setReset(true) on the Synchronizer is what you want:

  void setReset(const bool reset)
    // Set this true to reset queue on ROS time jumped back
    enable_reset_ = reset;

 if (ros::Time::isSimTime() && enable_reset_)
      if (now < last_stamps_[i])
        if (num_reset_deques_ == 1)
          ROS_WARN("Detected jump back in time. Clearing message filter queues");
        if (num_reset_deques_ >= RealTypeCount::value)
          num_reset_deques_ = 0;

Asked by lucasw on 2022-10-07 12:08:49 UTC
